
Wrap Your Gifts With Polka Dots and Glitter

glitter polka dot gift wrap

Wrapping gifts is honestly one of my favorite parts of this season. I know that’s kind of weird though, and lots of people dread having to wrap up all of their holiday gifts. So I figured maybe if people could add some creativity (and glitter) into the process it might be more fun. Because who doesn’t have more fun when there’s glitter around (whoever has to vacuum it up HA HA HA). But I digress….

DIY Glitter Polka Dot Gift Wrap – what you need: 

  • plain (not shiny) wrapping paper
  • white glue
  • pencil with eraser or other circular item to use as a stencil
  • glitter

wrapping paper diy

polka dot wrapping paper diy

glitter wrapping paper diy

glitter polka dot wrapping paper

Step 1: Wrap your gift

The first step here is just to wrap your gift as you normally would. But instead of going out and getting some cheesy foil paper with dogs wearing Santa hats or whatever (I just need to mention that I have no problem with cheesy wrapping paper, I actually love it most of the time) you can just use plain paper for this. In fact, you should stay away from shiny type wrapping paper for this project because the glue tends to not stick as well.

Step 2: Add the polka dots

Then you’ll need to add some glue polka dots to the top of your gift. Here, I just cut off a big piece of the tip of the glue bottle so that it would come out in a pretty decent sized circle for each dot. But a better method would probably be to put some glue on a paper plate and dip a pencil eraser into it to apply the glue to the wrapping paper. Add a few rows of dots until the top of the gift is pretty evenly covered.

Step 3: Cover with glitter

Right away after you’ve added the glue, you’ll need to cover the whole top of the gift in glitter. Do this over a big trash can!!! Make sure every single dot is covered and then kind of shake the glitter around the top of the gift for a minute.

Step 4: Shake off all the glitter over a trash can for a year

When all of the glue is covered with glitter, you can dump all of the excess out in a trash can. But when you think it’s all gone, just keep shaking it. More glitter will fall. You could keep doing it for your whole life and there would somehow always be glitter falling. So just do it for a few minutes and then try to keep it in a place where you don’t mind a little glitter lying around. When you’re done with this step, you might need to clean up your dots a little bit still. Just use a pencil or your fingernails to make sure the edges are even and then it should be ready to give to your glitter-loving friends!

polka dot glitter gift wrap

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