party recipes

Cosmo Recipe and Drink Tags

cosmopolitan drink tag

As a huge Sex and the City fan, I’ve always admired those people who can go out and just sip on cosmopolitans with friends. I’m usually more of a beer girl, but I tried out some cosmo recipes recently and I must say – I’m a fan. I also made some little drink charms to go with your cosmopolitan-drinking, SATC-watching girls night in. They kind of remind me of those little charm bracelets everyone used to wear in the late 90’s-early 2000’s. I thought about using those little heart charms instead, but I’m just starting out with engraving so I definitely couldn’t get (readable) names on a charm that small. So anyway, here’s a simple cosmo recipe and some DIY drink charms!

Sex and the City Cosmopolitan – ingredients (serves 4):

  • 1 cup lemon vodka
  • 1/2 cup triple sec
  • 1/2 cup cranberry juice
  • 1/4 cup sweetened lime juice
  • orange zest (for garnish)

cosmopolitan recipe

cosmopolitan recipe satc

Step 1: Pour the ingredients

Add the vodka, triple sec, cranberry juice and lime juice to a cocktail shaker.

Step 2: Shake over ice

Add some ice cubes to the shaker and shake all the ingredients together.

Step 3: Garnish and pour

Pour the mixture into four martini glasses. Add an orange zest garnish to each and enjoy!

engraving metal tags

engraved tags diy

engraved drink tags

drink tags satc

metal drink tag

Cosmo Drink Charms – what you need: 

  • metal tags with openings on both ends
  • blank white stickers (like mailing labels)
  • scissors
  • pen
  • engraving tool
  • silver plated chain
  • lobster clasp
  • ring connectors

Step 1: Create templates

Cut a blank mailing label to fit over your metal tag. Then write a name (or whatever you want) on the sticker. I chose to write the SATC ladies’ names on these because it seemed to fit with the theme and it’s always fun to try and figure out which of your friends are most like each of the different characters anyway (I’m a Miranda, in case you were wondering). But you can add your friends’ actual names if you prefer.

Step 2: Engrave

Stick the labels onto each of the metal tags and use your engraving tool to go over the outline very carefully. You might have to even do it more than once. Then remove the label and clean off the surface of the metal. If your metal tags can bend at all, you might want to create just a slight curve in them, but that’s not absolutely necessary.

Step 3: Attach a chain

Cut a piece of chain to about an inch and a half. Then use a ring connector to attach one end of it to an end of your metal tag. Then use another ring connector to attach a lobster clasp to the other end of the chain. Place the tag around the stem of your martini glass and attach the lobster clasp to the other end of the metal tag. That’s it! Now you’re ready for the ultimate girls’ night!

personalized drink markers

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