
Print Your Own Encouragement Notes

keep making

So I’ve been feeling a little worn out and uninspired lately. It happens. And I’m sure that it’s happened to you more than a few times as well. So that’s what led to this post.

Basically, I thought it would be cool to come up with a project that could help me sort of kick this creative slump while also helping other creatives in some small way. So I wrote myself (and you) some really simple notes of encouragement.

They’re really short and simple. And they certainly aren’t going to solve all of your creativity or business issues on their own. But hopefully they might help provide that little bit of an extra boost that you need on occasion to push through those struggles and just get stuff done. At the very least, they can just serve as a small reminder that you’re awesome and you’re working toward something that can be really, really great.

encouragement printable

To access the notes, you just need to download the printable in my resource library (you can sign up to gain access to the page here). Then you can print out the sheet, cut along the lines (if you want to!) and then display the notes wherever you’re likely to find them in the event you hit a creative or motivational block.

Personally, I picked a few of my favorites to display above my desk in my office. Then I put a couple in my planner and I think I might put the rest of them in a jar so I can access random ones whenever I hit a slump like this again.

encouraging notes

Some ideas for using the encouragement notes:

  • tape them up around your workspace
  • put them between the pages of your planner so you find them regularly
  • add them to an art journal
  • attach them to your computer
  • give them to a friend for some extra encouragement
  • fold them up and put them in a jar so you can draw one out every time you feel discouraged
  • hide them in desk drawers, pockets or other random places where you’re likely to forget about them – that way you’ll find them when you least expect it!

You can really use them any way you’d like! And I’d love to hear if you come up with a really cool way for using or displaying them.

So whenever you’re feeling discouraged, head over to my resource library (sign up here!) to get your very own set of notes that you can use to kick that uninspired/unmotivated feeling!

print your own encouragement notes

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