Working from home is a funny thing. To people who don’t do it regularly, it sounds like it would be an absolute dream. Just stay in pj’s all day and eat potato chips and hardly work because you don’t have a boss breathing down your neck. And sometimes it is pretty great – but if you have to work from home on a regular basis, you know it’s not easy.
You have to really create an environment that will keep you productive and happy at the same time. There’s a lot that goes into that. But for me, a main thing is creating some kind of background noise. TV isn’t necessarily the best way to do that. I would actually recommend listening to music or even listening to podcasts instead of watching TV. But if you’re doing something that doesn’t take a whole lot of concentration, watching TV can make working from home more fun. In fact, I usually take Fridays as sort of an “easy day” and let myself watch TV while I finish up some stuff for the week. And for years I ALWAYS watched TV while I worked (again, not a thing I would recommend).
During that time I learned that there’s a super fine line between watching something that’s cool and interesting and watching something that’s TOO INTERESTING and will take up way too much of your concentration so you won’t be able to work. Listen to me carefully: Do. Not. Watch. House. of. Cards. While. You. Work.
So, to help out the rest of you work-from-home babes, I compiled a list of my favorite shows (all are available on Netflix) to watch while still getting stuff done. Some of these are probably impacted by personal taste. But I did my best to mix it up a bit. Here goes!
The best Netflix shows to watch while working from home
The Office
Okay, I’m biased. This is my absolute favorite show ever, which you totally already know if you follow me on any social media. But it’s also my favorite to watch while working from home. 1. They’re at an office, so they’re (theoretically) working too. 2. It’s not too in-depth and the episodes are short. So if you miss a minute here or there it’s not the end of the world. 3. (and this might not apply to you, but…) I’ve seen it like a million times, so I don’t need to pay a whole lot of attention.
Parks and Recreation
So a lot of the reasons that make the Office work as a good show to work from home to also apply here. But this one has a bonus! If Leslie Knope doesn’t motivate you beyond all reason to get stuff done, then IDK what will.
Bob’s Burgers
This show is just so fun and ridiculous. You don’t need to pay too much attention really, because every second has a new joke that you can laugh at regardless of if you’ve been paying attention the rest of the time or not.
This is a spy show, so you have to pay like… a liiiitle bit of attention if you want to keep up with the main season plots. But it’s so fun! It’s honestly just a real feel-good show (the end not withstanding). And it upsets me that more people don’t/haven’t watched it.
Simple, predictable plot lines, easy jokes, and you’ve probably already seen it a million times. It’s a no-brainer.
The X Files
Probably not the best choice if you haven’t already watched this one. But it’s campy and fun and, who am I kidding… you’ve probably seen it before anyway.
Master of None
There’s just one season of this show so far. But it’s so cute! It’s fun and funny and kind of inspiring in a way that I can’t quite put my finger on. Just trust me and watch.
30 Rock
Sorry, but if Tracy Jordan being a contestant on Cash Cab doesn’t convince you, IDK what will.
Law & Order: SVU
I wanted to include some ~drama sort of stuff on the list since comedies are usually easier to follow along with. But SVU is dramatic but basically follows the same plot in every single episode, so you don’t have to expend too much brain power to keep up with it.
Fixer Upper
I wanted to include something more ~reality based for those of you who are into that kind of thing. You really can’t go wrong with Chip and Jo, right?
Jane the Virgin
This show is way too good, honestly. There’s kind of a lot going on. But there’s a narrator so it’s all good.
3rd Rock from the Sun
I feel like this show doesn’t get talked about enough anymore? I know it hasn’t been on for years, but it’s really great. Just fun laughs about some aliens trying to fit in on earth. Sounds like a win, right?
Powerpuff Girls
Honestly, I didn’t know this was on Netflix until I was browsing through to find more shows to add to this list. So I basically just want you all to know that Powerpuff Girls is on Netflix!!! in case you didn’t already know.
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