Work With Me

If you would like me to write for your website or publication, please email me at anne.pilon [at] gmail [dot] com or fill out the contact form on this site. Include the name/link to your publication, rate, and any other information about the project that you’d like me to know.

  • Alec Chorches

    I am TV producer in LA and i want get a hold of Chris Danhauer, the founder and sole employee of Texas-based Planned Migration do you happen to have a email or cell for him for reality show about his job….

    Thnnk you

    • Sorry, I haven’t spoken to him so I don’t have any contact info.

  • Bernard Raymond

    Hi Annie, just read one of your work in Small Business Trends about 50 unusual Pet Business to start and I have done exactly something that covers lots of these jobs, it’s called Come visit us and enjoy Our Questionnaire to find a dog (which is based on humans personality and not the breed’s characteristics as all others are) and then once you have your new dog, come to My Story (where all your unusual business writers can hone their skills writing stories about their beloved pets). Great article!
    Bernard Raymond, Passionate in chief at

    • Thanks so much for reading! Good luck with the business.